Shepherd's Pie

Shepherd’s Pie is one of those dishes you don’t really think about until you’ve had a great one and then you want it all the time! There’s just something about it that warms you up right down to your soul. Serve it to me piping hot with a side of Hawaiian roll ooo wee it is so good!!! It for sure is a family favorite in the Campbell house, or I should say it will be once my little kids learn the joys of comfort food over plain noodles with salt. I’ll win them all over you just wait and see, we have a family of 6 and 4 out of the 6 are on the Shepherd Pie team, just 2 more!

Fun Fact: Shepherds’s Pie is actually made with Lamb meat instead of Beef, but because here in the States beef is far easier to come by that’s what most of us use which makes it a Cottage Pie instead of a Shepherd’s Pie. So why don’t we call it a Cottage Pie?? Probably because nobody knows that weird fun fact, we just know them as plan ole Shepherd’s pie.

So here is my version of a Shepherd’s Cottage Pie!

I personally don’t like Peas in mine but you can add them if you do. You can add any veggie really as long as it can hold up to the long cooking period without losing its structure. I also love to cook this in bulk to freeze in easy to pop in the oven containers, sure it take a little longer to prep it all but I am so thankful for that quick home cooked meal on the days when I just don’t have it in me to cook.

I know there aren’t any pictures but as soon as I cook one again, I will take some good ones for you! If you can’t wait till then hop over to my IG page I have a highlight “bulk cooking” where I saved the stories about this dish!


You can Take a Screen Shot or Scroll down to print out a copy


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